Fresh Start Fitness is a program created specifically for women who are experiencing life transitions. Whether you are dealing with life’s most difficult transitions (including divorce, loss, or a diagnosis), or exciting transitions such as a new city, a new job, a new marriage - this program is for you.
Fresh Start Fitness is a four-month program that focuses on four steps: Meditation, Yoga, Strength & Cardio, and Nutrition. The full program includes workout videos, yoga classes, audible meditative guides and an interactive and downloadable workbook with thought-provoking journal questions, habit-building assistance, and advice from experts.
Dozens of incredible women have put their love and energy into this program, in hopes that it will help even more women grow and heal.
Course Curriculum
Hello! My name is Jenn. I created this program after I went through a traumatic event and had to build my own fresh start. I returned home one day to learn that my husband had left me without any explanation. For months I couldn't sleep, eat, exercise; I could barely function. But the moral of the story is that I did get out of that dark place. I found that light again. It was a glimmer at first, but moment by moment, then day by day, eventually week by week, I saw more light. I started to feel better. It was through this experience that I discovered the importance of physical health when healing from life's trauma and transitions. They go hand-in-hand. That's why I created Fresh Start Fitness. I want to be able to empower other women - you! - to deal with life's transitions, stressful times and dark times in a way that is physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healing. During this four-month program, you will be exploring meditation, yoga, nutrition and strength/cardio exercises, while pairing them with thought-provoking and soul-searching questions and journal prompts. The goal is to build strength in your body and in your mind so that you can give yourself the fresh start that you deserve. Let's get going!